It's not that I haven't been making quilts. While 2023 was a slower year for me, quilt-wise, I did manage to churn out four major quilts and some smaller projects. It was a busy year: Two international trips and some domestic travel, my son's wedding, summers at the lake, and a new job for me. But my sewing room kept up a persistent -- and loud -- siren song.
I attended QuiltCon last year and took classes to make two quilts: a selvedge quilt and a very modern quilt with solids, both paper-pieced and both by Amy Friend. They were ambitious projects and it took me almost a year to finish them. (More to come on the pitfalls I suffered with that modern Gulls quilt god help me why do I do this to myself I'm an idiot.)
So while last year wasn't as productive as my first three years of quilting, the quilts I did make were major. The bed-sized quilt I made for my son and his wife was a modern but scrappy double wedding ring quilt in which I incorporated pieces of lace from my wedding gown from 40 years ago.
This morning I visited this website for the first time in many months. That's when I noticed I hadn't done a blog post in more than a year. Ouch.
I have so much to tell you. I bought fabric in Paris and Germany. (In Paris, "coupon" doesn't mean what you think. It means you're going to get fabric in a 3-meter roll whether you want it or not.) I bought a new sewing machine and I love it. I helped plan a wedding guest book quilt for a friend's daughter. And I'm getting a new sewing room that is a dream come true.
I hope you are spending time on what makes you happy, no matter what is thrown your way.
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